Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hurricane Wedding 2.0

So for those of you who have read my facebook updates, you would have read one that described a sweet and amazing east coast couple and how their wedding day had to be cancelled due the that terrible hurricane... :(

Yes. Having to cancel your wedding due to a hurricane has to be one of the worse things that could happen. All of the hard work that is put in to planning a wedding, and mother nature takes over and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Did that bring this amazing couple down? NO. They decided to come to Hawaii for their "Honeymoon" and will deal with re-doing their wedding when they got back. While here on their vacation which was supposed to take their mind off things they had bad luck in Hawaii as well. They got their bags stolen on the beach. Their bus stalled for over an hour on the side of the road while on their way to their luau. Their kayaking tour got cancelled due to bad waters. AND on the day they were supposed to do a sunset photo session with me... it was pouring outside. This couple has been through it all and yet they still managed to keep a good sense of humor. Amazing. Something everyone should have. While taking pictures of them in overcast cloudy drizzle weather... for literally 2 minutes something great had happened. A SMALL and i mean SMALL portion of the sky became clear and it was exactly where the sun was setting. We managed to get in that sunset shot and had a great time in the rain. Since then they have gone back to the east coast and have had their wedding that they deserved. They titled it their... "Hurricane Wedding 2.0"

Having a great sense of humor, being positive and optimistic can take you a long way. There are bridezillas everywhere in the world but for this bride, she was able to laugh about it and still smile. THAT is why I am so lucky to have had such wonderful clients and clients who are so positive and don't let things bring them down. Life can get crazy like that but it's how you choose to handle situations that really matters.

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