Wednesday, December 1, 2010

oprah can even bring cats together!

Last night I was watching my 20th anniversary 7 disc dvd of oprah! I was stuck home watching my grandpa so I needed something to help make the night a little more fun. lol. Anyway I was enjoying my oprah marathon while crying and then laughing and then smiling uncontrollably and then crying again. Of course my family zoo was all in the living room with me (my 3 cats and one hotdog daschund sammy) Well later in the night this amazing thing happened and the only explanation I could think of was... Oprah. They were probably watching oprah with me and felt in the oprah mood and had to put aside stealing of catnip toys, constant hissing at each other, swiping at each other with their clawless paws, and growling when they walk by each other. Oprah managed to make them bffs for the night!! Oh Oprah how you really are GOD! haha Here's the bff moment of my two cats... of course they were back at it the next day fighting but it was cute to see them getting along while it lasted. :)